Ad Insights vodcast featuring the MyMcDonald’s app

We had the pleasure of appearing on the first ever Ad Insights marketing podcast to discuss the McDonald’s Germany loyalty programme.

Marc Alexander Schüling, Executive Director Strategy & Consulting at TRACK, and Matthias Zecher, Department Head Digital Marketing at McDonald’s, explain to the hosts how they managed to attract a whopping 18 million users with MyMcDonald’s in just 17 months. This makes MyMcDonald’s the most successful single brand loyalty programme in Germany – now well ahead of Ikea Family.

“Germans are hunter-gatherers. And they love racking up points. They couldn’t do that at McDonald’s before the loyalty programme. So we’ve managed to remedy this,” explains Matthias Zecher in the discussion.

The app has enabled McDonald’s to find out a great deal about its customers and their preferences, allowing it to engage with them and provide more personalised offers. “We are thrilled about the number of users we have, each and every day,” says Zecher.

It’s no wonder that TRACK has been nominated for an Effie Germany 2024 award as a result – along with the hugely successful MyMcDonald’s Rewards programme.

MyMcDonald’s still has a whole host of things planned for the coming weeks. So, stay tuned. Or as Marc Alexander Schüling says in the vodcast:
“Stay curious. Stay hungry. And see you down Maccy D’s.” 🍟🍔

The Ad Insight vodcast goes live on 9 September 2024.
Here’s a trailer for the episode with TRACK:

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